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Karel Kryl má naše srdce nadlouho je také uložen v paměti |
Karel Kryl má naše srdce a nadlouho je také uložen v paměti mnoha Čechoslováků.
Co napíšu, vše se bude zdát prázdné a málo charakteristické. Proto si poslouchejte sami...
Já většinou jsem naměkko při poslechu jeho písní s dokonalým prorockým textem. Většinou stačí kytara a jeho hlas...ten jen tak nemá nikdo...přes dvě oktávy rozsah.
Karel Kryl - Salome Gentle and treacherous, cruel and helpless the flame and the aurora, the devil and the lamb the sugar and the salt.
Wondering about the scent of rose-apple and the rhythm of dancing shoes the emperor promised a half of the kingdom for a single dance. Salome, the night fades away Salome, you resemble a vine Resembling a guitar, you, Salome, are dancing for your ruler Salome, they´ve already decapitated the Baptist Salome, smile happily, you´re swirling, your vampire-like mouth glows bloody, Salome, lah lah lah. The night wanes, the emperor´s smiling I can live peacefully, everything is allowed for a working state. He might have remembered one ancient saying When history is being made, don´t weep for the heads on plates. Salome, don´t dance if you don´t want to Salome, the guests´ve already left. Only hordes of mosquitoes´re finishing the beads of wine left in calices Salome, you´ve paled a bit Salome, you´ve sat down in the corner Your eyelids are greyish, no one is watching Salome, are you crying? Lah lah lah ...